Newly designed Hathor's Sistrum, handmade specifically for people with small hands. I have also charged it myself using sound vibration and ancient Egyptian recites to be used in rituals and practices related to feminine energy activation and womb, heart and yoni healing. Hathor is the ancient Egyptian goddess of love, beauty, music, motherhood, and fertility. Her sistrum, a musical instrument resembling a rattle, was often used in ceremonies and rituals dedicated to her. The gentle, rhythmic sounds produced by the sistrum were believed to invoke Hathor's presence, promoting healing and harmony. The sistrum's vibrations are thought to resonate deeply with the feminine energies within, awakening and amplifying them. This activation is crucial for women seeking to reconnect with their divine feminine essence, empowering them to embrace their creative and nurturing qualities. The rhythmic sound of the sistrum is believed to facilitate profound healing within the womb. By creating a soothing and meditative atmosphere, the sistrum helps release emotional blockages, traumas, and negative energies stored in the womb. This healing process supports reproductive health, emotional balance, and overall well-being. The connection between Hathor's Sistrum and these practices lies in its ability to create a sacred space where women can honor their femininity, heal, and transform. Through its ancient, mystical resonance, the sistrum serves as a powerful tool for those on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
The Golden Sistrum of Hathor
Dimensions: D x W x H:
2 x 7.5 x 31 cm
450 g
Handmade in: